
Supporting Aberdeen’s children, young people and their families

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Help us make a positive impact and change lives in Aberdeen


Teaching values and creating a strong sense of community

Our services

Modern and fully-equipped facility with rooms for hire

Room hire

The ALC charity was founded over a century ago in 1924.


ALC has 90 childcare places for youngsters every day.


ALC has provided local employment for more than 40 years.


ALC provides 14,000 hours of youth support every year.

Creating a community where all life chances can be embraced

We believe in a society where all children and young people are valued, and where their families feel supported, regardless of their background or circumstance. Ensuring equal access to opportunities and life’s chances is crucial, as we work together towards a better future for all. 

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Shaping the world of tomorrow

Our young people are the future

We believe that investing in the education and wellbeing of our children and young people is essential for creating a more inclusive and prosperous society.

By providing the support they need to develop their skills, knowledge and networks, we aim to help them take advantage of all life’s opportunities.

We want our youngsters to feel like they have a voice, and feel confident, inspired and encouraged to reach their full potential, without judgement.

They should feel valued and respected, with their wishes considered equally alongside those of other groups.

We want them to have a safe space, where they can meet with their friends, access our services – recreational and educational - and have some fun, and where their families are supported too.

But it’s not just about the children and young people.

Our Tillydrone facility is a community hub where people can gather in a welcoming environment for meetings, events and sporting activities; a centre where groups can connect, share resources and strengthen their local ties.

Our building has been a vital cornerstone for the community for more than forty years and is a place where local groups and other third sector-organisations can meet, fostering greater collaboration, support and social cohesion.

So whether you’re two years old or 102 years old, there’s a place for you at ALC.

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